5 of 10Silkscreen on Paper
10'' by 13
"OMG." 1 of 10
Silkscreen on Paper
10'' by 13''
"OMG." 7 of 10
Silkscreen on Paper
10'' by 13''
"Megan" 9 of 10
silkscreen on Paper
"Megan" 2 of 10
silkscreen on Paper
"Old Man"
Silkscreen on magazine paper of Audrey Kawasaki painting
8.5" by 11"
Digital Painting
This was just for fun. Macworld wasn't keen enough to pick up my design.
"City of Champions"
Photo manipulation
"Meteor Girls"
Digital Painting
"Burt Reynolds Unicorn"
Digital Painting
2009 was a huge year for me. But it is only the beginning a storm brewing for what will be 2010.