Saturday, December 26, 2009


"Barefoot & Pregnant"
26'' by 48''

"After the Pike"
26'' by 28''

June 2007 @ It's a Grind. Long beach, CA

Untitled (Landscape Study 1)
11'' by 14''

Untitled (Landscape Study 2)
11'' by 14''

Untitled (Landscape Study 3)
11'' by 14''

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2005-2006 Paintings

These paintings where done after I recently graduated from college and moved across the country to LA. Looking at this work just brings back all those memories of this very fun and exciting time. It is the only art that I have ever done to bring forth such strong feelings. In fact except for this group of paintings, I really don't care too much about any of my old art. I am just care about making new art.

I think the reason why these paintings conjure up such strong feelings and memories is that when I look at them I just remember the houses I was living in and the friends I had at the time. I moved 3 times and did some art in each new home. When I look at each piece it just reminds me of the home I was in at the time. I apologize for being nostalgic.

Oil Paintings 2003-2004

click on image to enlarge

She was a Teenage Zombie
oil on canvas
24'' by 48''

Lagoon Man
oil on canvas
24'' by 42''
Loreal Girl
oil on Canvas
18'' by 22''

You best chill Patty Wark
oil on canvas
28'' by 44''

Self Portrait
oil on Canvas
The Resurection
oil, acrylic, and charcoal on canvas

Untitled figure
oil and charcoal on Canvas

New Creature
oil on canvas

Narrow Door
oil, acrylic, and charcoal on canvas

Beautiful Cruxifiction
Oil, charcoal, and Roof Cement on Canvas

Polish Model
14'' by 28''

These were all done in my Junior and Senior Year at Slippery Rock University. I really miss being able to spend so much time in the studio. (I have a lot more work but you don't need to see it). I also love the more innocent and aggressive approach I had to painting back then. For me as I have matured and harnessed my craft more, the more cautious I have become. As I look at these for the first time in a while, they really inspire me to get back to this approach again. Back then I didn't worry as much about making a mistake. I had more of an urgency to get the painting done as fast as I can so I can get to the next piece. It is a very exciting, reckless, and beautifully aggressive approach. I also was not worried about making a mistake because I was so interseted in expirimenting with the medium. Notice the 2nd painting, (Lagoon Man) I did that 6 years ago and I will never forget all the different expiriments I did with mixing linseed oil and oil paint. There was like half a gallon of linseed oil on that thing. It sat lying down for half a semester just so it could dry. Yeah, I'm looking forward to destroying a blank canvas this weekend.